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Find out what happens during the most fun weeks of the year!

Our summer camps are one of the highlights of our year! Our coaches put together a program that guarantees a week full of fun to all participants. Find out below what happened during the last summer, and join us this year! The camp will be held on July 1st to 5th, and July 8th to 12th. Follow our social media for the latest information!


Of course our campers can expect all kinds of football during ACJV summer camps! They will work on their skills, play with teammates of all ages, and even participate in a big tournament with awesome prizes to be won!

Water games

It's summer, the weather can get hot, and what better way to cool down than spraying each other? Our campers will experience different water games throughout the week, with extra points for getting the coaches!

And much, much more!

Every moment of summer camp is filled with fun! Campers will play all kinds of games and we will even have some crafts thrown in there. They will eat delicious meals three times a day, and let's not forget the awesome swag!

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