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Find out what other activities ACJV offers!

Our love of sport doesn’t stop at football, and we are working on developing a range of activities that will reflect that. Find out below what we already offer, and stay tuned for more!


Our U14 team trains with Coach Florian twice a week in VEF.​

On top of those trainings, our U14 team regularly puts their skills to the test in tournaments. A great occasion to wear their awesome kits and develop their team spirit!​

The U14 train on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16:30 to 18:00.

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New to ACJV in September 2023: a U14 futsal team is opening, led by Coach Daniel.

Meant as a way to discover a new sport, and most importantly, to have fun with friends, we mean to form the team, and let them decide where they want to go!

The U14 train on Mondays and Wednesdays from 16:00 to 17:30 in VEF.


New to ACJV in September 2023: a volleyball team open to middle and high school students!

Our volleyball team will train with Coach Dāvids, himself an accomplished volleyball player and coach, who has taken part in the Latvian Vīriešu virslīga for quite a few years now!

Time and location to be confirmed, depending on expressed interest.

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